Indien Reise
„Mother India: auf den Spuren der heiligen Orten und spirituellen Traditionen der Hindus“
I am Alice Pavan Bani Kaur Pedemonte. Pavan Bani Kaur is my spiritual name and means that I am the carrier of life energy (prana) when I meditate on God and recite His name through mantras (bani).
I was born and raised in Italy near Milan. However, life has brought me to Switzerland since 2008 and I am very grateful for that. In Italy I worked as a fitness instructor for 10 years until I came to yoga.
I have been practicing yoga regularly since 2005 and in 2010 I completed my first Hatha - Vinyasa - Yoga Teacher Training (Yoga Teacher Training YTT-200 according to the guidelines of the Yoga Alliance). Since then yoga has become a wonderful and enriching presence in my everyday life and my greatest transforming passion.
In 2011 I got in touch with Reiki during a trip to Bali and completed all 3 Reiki degrees shortly after. During various trips to India I also learned the art of Ayurvedic massage. At the moment I no longer offer them. More and more I have had the feeling that everything in my life is wonderfully coming together and that I am directly guided on my spiritual path. For over 10 years, India has become my annual, must-visit destination. Indian spirituality and culture enrich my life daily and shape my own yoga practice as well as my life philosophy and attitude.
I completed my second yoga teacher training with a focus on yoga therapy in 2013 (Advanced Yoga Teacher Training YTT-500) and in January 2016 my dream came true and I opened my own yoga studio in Stein am Rhein.
The real transformation on my spiritual path really manifested itself when I discovered Kundalini Yoga. A new door of light opened in me and in my heart. In September 2018 I completed the KRI/3HO Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 and in Spring 2021 the following Level 2.
So deeply have these wonderful treasures touched me and transformed me internally that I am on my way to train as a Kundalini Yoga Trainer. My Dharmic path is to deeply touch more and more hearts through these teachings.
I currently teach Vinyasa, Yin and Kundalini Yoga. Meditation and the chanting of Indian mantras are an important part of my teachings and my daily personal practice.